
Spanked by My Loving But Authoritarian Husband

Newlywed, Leanne’s loving but authoritarian husband gives his younger wife what she has been needing for some time – a spanking. Amidst the agony, she discovers and unexpected ecstasy. Join Leanne as she shares her journey.

You are welcome to contact the author Leanne B.

Recently Married but Feeling Neglected

I have been researching spanking as I recently had my own first encounter. On reading the posts present on your site I thought I’d be brave and offer you my story if you’d like it. I’m afraid I’m no author. This is a true story and I suppose if ever one would enjoy reading the awakening of someone’s interest in corporal punishment then this is as good a story as any.

I am a 25-year-old teacher. I married my wonderful husband in August of 2016 and quit work at the same time to become a housewife. He is 16 years my senior and quite an eminent classical guitarist. This means that a strict regimen of four hours a day of practising must occur for him to maintain his wonderful skill. Prior to my moving in, I had not had a true appreciation for his dedication to his art for we’d only been able to see one another on weekends or the odd day that I had off.

Moving in has come as quite a shock. He practises for four hours and lectures for eight hours at a prominent music college leaving me idol and frankly feeling neglected. I felt duped at first, as though he had concealed what would be a lonely lifestyle for me so as to entice me in and trap me. He’s an authoritarian and very old fashioned, he likes dinner on the table when he gets home and then it’s off to practice. That having been said he’s very loving and when we’re together nothing could make me happier.

Anyway, I’m off point. The fact is I had been getting increasingly restless and annoyed and ultimately petulant and sulky. I’d have dinner ready then skulk off to another room of the apartment while he practised and then would often grow so sullen that by the time he emerged I’d be cold and even give him an ear full for leaving me alone. I made little sly comments about being abandoned/ neglected and I thought he was ignoring them with impunity until New Year’s Eve arrived.


We had no plans for the eve as he had to fly out to Hungary for a series of concerts and talks in the coming days and so was preparing. I suppose I could have gone out with friends but I wanted to be with my new husband. Anyway, we have a few rules I’m to abide. One of which is that I do not enter the practise studio while he’s working, he enters a sort of trance when practising and interruptions can really throw him. So, feeling particularly hard done by I finished off my 3rd French 75 cocktail and feeling brave I sauntered into the studio to interrupt. He raised his eyes to me but didn’t stop playing and asked if I was ok. I said yes and approached the guitar (a very expensive Humphreys millennium guitar which I am NEVER to touch) flicking the fretboard brazenly and grinning, looming over him. He sat, astonished I think, staring at me with a gimlet eye and I really needed no goading. I started to trace his jaw with my finger provocatively but he caught it between his own fingers and dropped my hand to my side. I felt rejected and summarily launched into a tirade peppered with words like deceived, neglected, unfair, lonely etc.

He waited until I was finished and huffing from my exhortations and then he told me that he agrees that he had been absent, that it had been an abnormally busy time for him and that he wasn’t aware of how lonely I felt. He asked me why I hadn’t just said this calmly and reasonably. I told him I’d been hinting for months and he pointed out that hints are missed when people are stressed and dialogue is important. He then went on to say that I clearly need more loving attention and he’d acquiesce just as soon as his book is finished and these important upcoming dates were tied off.

For some reason this enraged me, in a tipsy haze I saw it as being second fiddle to his work yet again and I slapped him without prior comment. His expression changed and I actually felt quite nervous. He’d never looked so cross. He told me to go and sit in the lounge because, clearly, I needed more than love and attention in this moment but he needed to calm down and he didn’t want to ‘deal with me’ in what is supposed to be his calm space.

(For some background info, I was not spanked as a child and prior to this experience had no interest in corporal punishment sexually or otherwise nor had I had any experience or desire to do so as an adult.) I had no idea why I found myself banished to the lounge but when he entered he looked resolute. His sleeves had been rolled up, I noted which he does not do during practice.

The Choice

He told me I had an attitude problem. That, at first, he thought was down to my long hours at work and pre-menstrual hormones but now he can see it is not. I tried to interject but he spoke louder and continued. He told me he loved me very much but that I must understand he married late because his vocation is music and that he made it no secret that he was steadfast in his ways. He told me he would try to be more accommodating and drop some of the nonessential work he’d been doing to have date nights etcetera but that I must change too. No more tantrums as he put it. And then he completely blindsided me by saying that he would help me adjust my attitude in a way that he’d thought I needed for some time –  a spanking.

I laughed it off and told him to stop watching ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ (he’d seen in when on a long haul flight and complained that it was the un-sexiest thing he’d ever seen!) however his expression remained grave. He said I’d been acting spoiled and childlike and was goading him for retribution even if it was subconscious. He told me I had a choice. I could say no but that if I did he could foresee troubles arising again in a future and that he knew neither of us wanted that. I was so dumbstruck as I played the scenario out in my mind. I reasoned I had a pretty high pain threshold. I didn’t want to lose my husband and if he sought to spank me for my bad behaviour then it would surely mean he’d have to break from work. Usually if I ‘had a moment’ he’d leave me alone but the prospect of a few stingy slaps and then presumably comfort after seemed agreeable in my naïveté. I had no frame of reference – I’d never been spank before. And so I relented.

He agreed and said that he didn’t want to tire his hand and asked if we had a wooden spoon. I replied that we hadn’t as I think they’re unhygienic and as I did so he had a eureka moment, asking for my hairbrush. Now that I’ve read stories on these sites I realise how ominous that should have been to me but it didn’t really ring any alarm bells. I fetched it from the bathroom and brought it to him, standing to his right, note that he is left handed. He told me he loved me but that I was to no longer have tantrums or make shrouded remarks and that I was to communicate with him like an adult. He also told me I’m no longer to drink as a punishment to him (he doesn’t like being around drunk people due to his estranged sister’s alcoholism) he then went on to say that he intended to only have to do this once and so he was going to make it really hurt. He asked for my permission to begin and said that once he started he’d see it through. I smirked in my head, there’d be no begging I was sure.

Agony and Ecstasy

With my acquiescence, he told me to remove my pyjama trousers and panties and stand astride of his right leg. He pulled me down so that I straddled his thigh and then pushed me down so that my torso was on the couch, facing the opposite direction as he was. I could feel the heat from his thigh against my sex and I felt aroused in spite of my predicament. He repositioned me a couple of times and stroked my hair. He told me it would hurt a lot but not to block with my hands and with that he began.

I felt the cool wood pat my behind a couple of times and then it slammed into me. I couldn’t believe the sting. I couldn’t absorb it. It burned squarely in the centre of my right buttock. He repeated this on my left cheek and alternated slowly but they were harsh, biting strokes. I choked on my shock and could scarcely catch my breath. As I started to moan he picked up pace and intensity, moving his focus down below the original area of impact. In spite of the pain my writhing had made me extremely wet and so my embarrassment was acute, I knew there’d be a damp patch on his pants when I arose. My resolve was shattered by the humiliation of my body’s betrayal and the fire blazing on my behind and I collapsed into an ocean of tears. My body was wracked with sobs as I processed his frustration. His music had spellbound me when we met and it is true he’d not really hidden his dedication. He is a loving and dedicated husband too and I had been naively demanding of him. He was spanking me not just to punish but to reset our relationship and that realisation had me bawling.

Just as I thought the agony could no longer climb in extremity the brush began to work against the tender crease where my bottom met my thighs. The pain was fresh and teeth-grindingly intense. He wailed on me with all of his upper arm strength, a strength honed by hours of manual dexterity training and I lost my voice with protest. His ministrations fell further still onto my thighs but became lighter and yet this was no reprieve. It felt as though I’d been skinned from mid buttock to mid thigh. Without warning my spanking halted. I gasped and rasped for air, limp and spent astride his leg, my sex still rubbing against him as I heaved with sobs. Only then as the pain subsided could I feel that I had achieved clitoral climax. This realisation made me cry anew with shame.

He soothed me, rubbing my back but held me in place, moving the circular motion of his palm down to lightly graze my burning behind. I mewled in protest but didn’t move. He told me that we were starting afresh but that if I misbehaved in future it would result in a bare bottomed spanking over his knee and that if it was serious I could expect a whipping from his belt. I was too exhausted to even process the magnitude of that prospect and stayed motionless hoping that somehow my wetness would evaporate in the meantime.

He asked me to stand but I was too weak, sliding off his thigh to my knees in front of him. He immediately spied the incriminating slick on his pants and his eyes darted to meet mine. I shrugged sheepishly but offered no explanation. Without a word he began to undo his belt and I flinched momentarily, afraid that my arousal would elicit this mythical future whipping. Instead, his weapon of choice was his manhood which he offered somewhat forcefully to my expectant lips.

I do hope you enjoy this little story. If so, I’m happy to tell of my second and third punishments!

You are welcome to contact the author Leanne B.

How To Give A spanking - How To Get A Spanking
  • Excellent report of your introduction to discipline. I look forward to the next episodes.

    Sound like you have been well reset

  • Hey, that is a really interesting story and it is brave of you to share what happened to you. I would love to read about your other spankings.

  • My husband spanks me too with his hand and if I’ve been disrespectful to him or disobeyed him he uses a paddle which I dread but I’m very good afterwards. I usually have to sleep on my stomach for days.

    • Young Lady, unless you are unable to sit down comfortably or have to sleep on your tummy for days afer being spanked, the spanking was not truly effective. I commend your husband for spanking you properly.

  • Very good story! Post the others. I can see that you need your little bare bottom warmed frequently.

  • My husband sometimes puts me across his knees but usually I am over a desk with my legs spread. He uses a hairbrush on my bare rear. He begins gently and soon I orgasm. Then the real spanking begins. He makes my cheeks a bright red and then fingers me anally. I usually come a second time.

  • My husband spanks me, usually with a hairbrush. I don’t like going over his knees not only because it’s a humiliating position but I get wet and stain his pants.

  • Loved this spanking very much.
    I can concur with dampness on your husband’s knee. I spank a lady in a similar fashion and she climaxes with great gusto leaving my knee very damp. Of course, I have to spank her again for such naughtiness…

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